当教室でのコロナウイルスへの感染対策について/COVID-19 MANAGEMENT PLAN
2023年5月8日より5 類感染症への移行が決まった事を受けまして、当教室も通常運営へと移行してまいります。
お菓子教室 Fait Beau Tokyoでは、当面の間は、コロナウイルスの東京都での感染拡大状況や、政府、東京都からの要望により急な休校やキャンセルとなる場合もあります事を予めご了承頂き、ご予約をお願いできればと思います。
How “Fait Beau Tokyo baking school” is managing operations to keep our students, staff and community safe.
①受講中の距離・Physical Distancing
・Class sizes will be kept to a maximum of 3 attendees per class.
・Staff in the classroom will be kept to the absolute minimum per class.
・Please be sure to wear a mask in order to avoid thick contact. A partition will be set up so that masks can be removed during breaks and other times when drinking tea.
②手洗いと衛生面・Hand washing and Hygiene
・Hand sanitizer will be available at the entry/exit point as well as in the bathroom and at each workstation.
・Guests will be directed to sanitize and wash their hands with warm soapy water at the sink.
・Benches, working table, door handles, oven handles, fridge door handles and all other frequently touched surfaces will be frequently cleaned with surface sanitizer.
・Food grade gloves are available.
・Staff will wash and sanitize their hands thoroughly before setting up for each class.
・Continuous ventilation using a fan and window is used to circulate the air in the classroom.
③健康管理について・Monitor Symptoms
・Please take your temperature when you enter the room and if your temperature is over 37.2 degrees celsius, you will be asked to cancel the lesson.
・Customers are advised to contact us to reschedule their booking if they are sick or if they are displaying symptoms of COVID-19, have been in close contact with a person who has COVID-19.
・If the instructor is ill or has had intensive contact with someone with a fever or symptoms of coronavirus, we may ask you to cancel a lesson.